1m 21sec
Festival Of Speed Record
A Bentley Bentayga EWB set a new Goodwood Festival of Speed hill climb record while towing 2.5 tonnes of straw.
Watch record
2nd Place
From tipped vehicles to tyre punctures, they overcame a range of obstacles and went on to secure six successive stage victories, a new record for the Dakar Rally.
Triumphant Test
1st Place
Winning the 69th Tulip Rally
Harm Lamberigts and Bart den Hertog were the first to cross the finish line of the Tulip Rally, completing the final 300 km on the SUSTAIN fuel.
the first SUSTAIN race
Windermere Speed Record
Cox Marine has set two new speed records at the 51st annual Coniston Powerboat Records Week using 100% sustainable SUSTAIN fuel.
record-breaking boat contest
1st Place
HRCR Stage Masters Championship
Motor Sport journalist Tony Jardine chips off the rust to navigate Chrysler Avenger to 26th Historic home.
record-entry finish
1,000 miles
drive and race circuit laps in each home nation
Mazda MX-5 Roadster has established a benchmark lap time for a zero fossil fuel sustainable fuelled car at a racetrack in each of the UK home nations.
going mainstream

335 km/h
The Underwater Speed Record
The new Continental GT Speed sets unofficial ‘underwater speed record’ of 208 mph (335 km/h) through the deepest tunnel in the world.
Watch record
1st Time
Land’s End to John O’ Groats
First car to complete the 1,000-mile route from Land’s End to John O’ Groats using sustainable fuel.
Driving Change
1st Time
Rally for the ages
The ground breaking, for the ‘Young and for Free,’ Rally for the Ages aims to inspire the next generation of historic racing drivers.
Inspiring the next generation