AUERBERG KLASSIK launches partnership with SUSTAIN fuels

Auerberg Klassik has announced a new multi-year partnership with SUSTAIN fuels, which will commence at the 2024 event on 7/8th September. The partnership with SUSTAIN fuels will enable Auerberg Klassik participants to be fuelled sustainably at the event.

Developed by fuel specialist Coryton, SUSTAIN Classic products have been carefully tailored to the specific needs of classic car engines to preserve the vehicle while protecting the environment.

SUSTAIN uses advanced second-generation biofuel manufactured from agricultural waste, which means that the biomass comes from organic waste materials that cannot be used as food or animal feed and would otherwise have to be destroyed.

Ethanol-free, EN228-compliant and with a high-octane rating of 98 RON to improve knock resistance, SUSTAIN Classic not only contains up to 80% sustainable ingredients, but also protects against corrosion and supports cold starts.

The fuel for the 2024 Auerberg Klassik event was developed by SUSTAIN as part of the ‘Demonstrating a Circular Carbon Economy in Transport along the Value Chain’ (DeCarTrans) project funded by the Federal Republic of Germany. The ‘DeCarTrans’ project is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport to a total of almost 15 million euros as part of its overall ‘Renewable Fuels’ concept. The funding guideline for the development of renewable fuels is coordinated by NOW GmbH and implemented by the project sponsors VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH and the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (Agency for Renewable Resources).

SUSTAIN fuel experts will be on site at Auerberg Klassik to answer all fuel-related questions, talk about the benefits of using sustainable fuels, and allow interested parties to try out the sustainable fuel in their vehicles.

“Auerberg Klassik is a great event that celebrates classic motorsport in a beautiful setting and impressive natural surroundings. We are delighted to be able to support this event and prove that classic motorsport can be sustainable and climate-friendly”, said Thorsten Kaebernick, Technical Applications Director, Coryton Germany.

Ben Lampertz, Chief Commercial Officer, Coryton Germany, added: “Our involvement in the Auerberg Klassik represents our intention to support projects that not only deal with sustainability, but also take real action to make it a reality. This is exactly the case here at Auerberg – not only this year, but also in the future, and that’s why we see SUSTAIN fuel as an important piece of the puzzle that fits perfectly into the event’s overall picture.”

Hermann Köpf, Chairman of Auerberg Klassik e.V, commented: “We are delighted to have found a committed partner in Coryton Germany which fully supports our concept of practicing historic motorsport in a future-oriented and emission-reduced manner. After all, we were Germany’s first event in 2022 to enable its participants to use sustainable fuel and we launched an internationally acclaimed initiative with this lighthouse project.”